Fundamentals: Naturopathic Hydrotherapy

Image of Amangiri Hotel in Utah

Image of Amangiri Hotel in Utah

Through my studies at Endeavour College I learnt about the history and practices of Naturopathic Hydrotherapy.

Naturopathic Hydrotherapy is the use of water in strategic pressures and temperatures to influence autonomic nervous system, temperature, lymphatic and cardiovascular system regulation.

‘Hydrotherapy’ stems from the phrase ‘Water Cure‘ which began as a healing modality in Germany and Austria in the 1800’s. Pioneers of this modality include Father Sebastian Kneipp, Benedict Lust, Henry Lindlahr and John Harvey Kellogg.

Hydrotherapy has been found to have significant impact on an array of bodily systems including the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, urinary, immune and endocrine system (source).

Image via instagram @casa.ayllon

In naturopathy individualised treatment is a priority and hydrotherapy prescriptions are no different. The hypothesis of healing properties that this modality offer are connected to the benefits of a normal flow of healthy blood to each tissue.


Naturopaths believe that the quality of blood in circulation can influence the elimination of toxic matter through the skin, kidney and bowels. Blood is seen as the conveyer of life and hence water is utilised as it can impact the efficacy of circulation drastically.

Image via @gabriella_brooks on intstagram.

My favourite way to incorporate hydrotherapy into my daily routine is through contrast showers to support the immune, nervous and digestive system.

Resources: — My Water Cure by Sebastian Kneipp, Lectures in Naturopathic Hydrotherapy by Wade Boyle and André Saine.


Routine: Sleep Hygiene


Routine: Contrast Showers